About the Conference

This international transdisciplinary conference is the 3rd edition to the previous successful international transdisciplinary conferences organised in August 2017 and August 2018.

Transdisciplinary studies are a reflection of the changing patterns of knowledge production. Ubiquity of transdisciplinary approach is indicative of an important intellectual shift and it represents cognitivity. To understand and formulate better laws at present and in future, a holistic approach in acquainting with other disciplines other than law becomes indispensible. Transdisciplinary concepts have become necessary because differentiation and specialization of knowledge in discrete categories have become a law of being in the 21st century.

It is time we expand our horizon beyond reductive views of the law and identify and resonate its significance in other disciplines. Legal studies must acknowledge transformation of ideas and genres both within their own discipline and beyond its borders. Transdisciplinary approach promotes the capacity to integrate knowledge and modes of thinking drawn from two or more disciplines to produce a cognitive advancement.

This international transdisciplinary conference is the 3rd edition to the previous successful international transdisciplinary conferences organised in August 2017 and August 2018

Law must keep pace with innovations and advancements in other disciplines to formulate effective legal policies. Insights from other disciplines provide an opportunity to get beyond the technical and circumscribed study of legal rules, and to look at law as part of the broader civilization. Innovation is a key source for attaining and sustaining competitive advantage in the present era. Innovation culture is a key factor in enhancing and sustaining the competitive advantage of an organisation.

Innovation culture comprises all those set of circumstances and conditions which encourage and support innovation as well as creativity. Innovation culture has to deal with the more and more global shape of the environment, the need for fast life cycle innovations, and the interdependence of research and related institutions. This transdisciplinary conference is an initiative to provide a cognitive platform for confluence of members of Academia, Scholars, Advocates and Administrators from diverse disciplines in which transdisciplinary minds will engage on the path towards the integration of disciplinary ideas and suggestions for formulating ideal legal policies suited to the contemporary and future needs. The outcome of the conference is expected to establish concrescence.


  • To understand the philosophy and deep meaning of the theme of the conference.
  • To highlight the significance of innovation in various disciplines.
  • To embellish the understanding of the academicians, researchers, students and scholars in-depth understanding and philosophical transdisciplinary contribution towards the knowledge building. 
  • To assess the impact of innovations in pandemic and transdisciplinary dynamics.

The above objectives are sought to be achieved by having panel deliberations of eminent scholars from academia and discussions followed by paper presentations.

Sub-Themes of the Conference

  1. Advancement of technology and criminal opportunity
  2. Advancements in biotechnology and law
  3. Applied intelligence and law
  4. Artificial intelligence and law
  5. Banking frauds and scams in cyber world
  6. Blockchain and law
  7. Children and Cybercrime
  8. Commerce, e-security and law
  9. Cyber forensics and electronic evidence
  10. Economic innovations and law
  11. Education 4.0 and law
  12. Emerging trends in cyber world
  13. Evolving technology and changing face of legal practices
  14. Impact of innovation on law
  15. Income distribution and law
  16. Information and technology security and law
  17. Innovation and changing face of governance
  18. Innovation in socialization and legal policies
  19. Innovative approach to domain name in IPR and its legality
  20. Innovative policy and IPR
  21. Innovative practices in collection and production of evidence in the legal judicial process
  22. Legality of Cryptocurrency
  23. Role of technology in preventing crime
  24. Start-up India, an innovations of business model and law
  25. Technology, innovation and social change

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